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The first virtual coworking in Tenerife

Welcome to the first virtual coworking in Tenerife

Workeamos Online is an initiative of Workeamos, coworking, located in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.


Due to the situation in which we are confined, we thought, Why not continue with the philosophy of sharing but online? Why stop meeting other professionals and networking even if we can not leave our house?  So we created Workeamos Online, a Slack space for entrepreneurs, freelancers, remote workers, digital enthusiasts located anywhere, were we can continue to share. From finding job offers, sharing ways to optimize your daily work or creating webinars and community workshops.


The Slack space is divided into different channels with different themes. In these channels we will be able to discuss and share, as well as continue to create collaborations and synergies.

In order to be able to access, you only have to fill in this form and then you will receive the access data.

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